vrijdag 21 december 2012

Christmas, magic and the end of the world

Greetings ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls!

I'ts the 21st of december, and I'm afraid it's been another two weeks; it's time for another blog post.
Yes, time goes by fast, but so does the progress of our development!

Last wednesday was a day in which we had to give a very short (and by very short, I mean 5 minutes) introduction to our game and show our progress. I believe we've advanced fairly well over the last few weeks, with considerable progress. Watching the presentation of some other teams, I might add that we're quite ahead of some of them, and we should be proud of that! Come on, other teams, hurry up and finish a demo already ;)!

Thanks to Aron and Jaimy, we have a working menu. That's right, you can now actually click on buttons to do things, like selecting a character and thus choosing to be a pirate (everyone wants to be a pirate), or, better yet, assigning custom keybinds! Making the wish of 4 people on 1 keyboard come true!
I probably want to go up when I press that arrow button...

Aron has also made this fancy slider, which we'll certainly use in the future. Soon you will be able to control the volume of the music (more on that later), sound effects (bombs make noise when they explode, mind you) and voices (every race will have custom remarks regarding the actions performed in the game, expect them to laugh in an extremely evil manner as they exterminate their foes).
Look at the pretty colours!

As we've not died yet (I wonder where that apocalypse is hanging out...), we can continue blowing things up in our game, with the addition of the computer trying to blow us up!

That's right, the AI is functioning and deadly, albeit not fully completed. Ricardo has been working hard to make this happen, and all is faring well. Not only will the computer blow up destructible tiles and grab powerups (all the while avoiding getting caught in explosions), it has some nasty tactics, making dodging a deadly fate a hard task at times. And the AI will become even smarter in the near future, oh dear!

Aart has been busy adjusting his engine to allow for sprites to be displayed from top to bottom, as to create an isometric effect. It's pretty much my fault that he has to do it at this moment, as he now has to revise quite a big part of it... Sorry! There seems to be a bit of a problem when it comes to showing particles and making sure they are correctly layered, as these are drawn using a different technique, called alpha blending. Good luck with this, Aart, we know you can think of a solution!

Mars has completed the special bomb for the pirate, alien and zombie. He has been thinking of new ideas to put in the game and has recently started playing with sprites. He's had some problems testing out our game before, somehow, because his GPU is a little outdated. This christmas, he'll finally get his hands on a new computer, which should run the game without any problem. Yay for technology!

Jaimy and I have been making some new sprites. The main four races have been completed, check 'em out!

Exterminating, sneaking, braaaaains and keelhauling everywhere!
There's also some scenery lying around which will be using in the future, as we are planning to add more types of landscapes into the game!
Fancy brawling at the beach? Gliding on ice, while staying warm using the heat of some fresh bombs? Making sure that volcano doesn't erupt, so its lava can't accidentally burn someone? 
It's going to be available soon. Stay tuned!

The major part of random level generating has been completed, keeping the old layout, while also making a new type of random map available, using a custom and very secret algorithm ;).

It is time for me to go. 
I wish you all a very merry Christmas, and until next year!


PS: I've made some crappy music for the game which you to listen to while we're gone (even though we might post something during the holidays as well). If your ears start bleeding, you'd better stop listening.

PPS: 42 is the best number.

PPPS: The world isn't ending.

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